Episode 007: 11 Metaphysical Loopholes to Manifest Your Big Vision Fast!

Have you been using visioning and affirmations in your spiritual practice?

Have you heard through other’s teachings how to “act as if” or visualize yourself in the future you want to create?

I’ve discovered 11 different ways to turn up the volume on your visioning and affirmation writing that make them infinitely more powerful and quickly aligns you to your desire and the quantum field where all your desires already exist.

This one is going to blow your mind!

11 Metaphysical Ways To Turn Your Vision into Reality FAST

We are 100% Human and 100% Spirit

We can create incredible visions and watch them materialize right before our very eyes

Vision Journaling for Manifesting your Desires

When you infuse your vision with intention and purpose, you amplify your values and Truth

This is an art, a science, and a practice…and with each new level, there are new experiences with our own God Self

A Couple Tips:

  1. Don’t worry about getting it “right” – trust that these hacks will get you where you need to be
  2. There are no rules – this experience is unique to you

#1: Future You Principle

First thing in the morning is a great time to get started – your brain isn’t fully “awake” yet, and that’s a GOOD THING! It allows your imagination to play outside the box AND clarify what we desire.

When we can side step into a parallel reality, we collapse time.

Entry Point Question:

“If everything that you already wanted were your reality, who would you be being and what would you be doing?”

Write this story as if it is already your current reality – use first person: “I am…”

Example: Let’s say you want a full coaching business

  • How are you moving through your day?
  • How are you showing up for sessions?
  • How are you showing up in your daily life

Live, breathe and do what you desire – it becomes your reality.

Follow Up:

“How would you be approaching your day-to-day activities in business and in life? How would that be different?”

This is not pretending. This is knowing with certainty and truth that this reality already exists. You’re using internal sense instead of the external sense of what’s physically around you.

You cannot create a future reality without side-stepping into that version of yourself

#2: Power Words

There are specific words that set up your ability to embody this Future You Principle. Play with written and spoken word – there may be a difference in how the words feel to you.

  • I am
  • It is
  • I love
  • Now
  • Thank you
  • I receive

Allow yourself to deeply feel appreciation and gratitude..and from this place (not from a place of lack), ask “How could it be even better?” This question expands the vision and Future You Principle.

The words you choose don’t matter as much as your ability to discern the energy you are experiencing.

When does the word hold weight for you? When is it a fully embodied emotion?

Infuse your energy and vision into the words – LOAD IT with intention.

Load everything you do with powerful intention.

#3: Pull The Thread Process

When we have a blank slate, we don’t know where to start…but if we can just get started – it ALL flows out of us.

Insert yourself into a natural scene in your everyday life and imagine it has transformed into a new scene (aka your future vision).


“I just opened my computer to look at my email list and BAM! I couldn’t even believe that_____happened!”

“I just opened my eyes and I just remembered that today’s the day that______!”

Create the story around the vision you want to see, NOT what I actually see in front of me.

Make meaningful stories and moments in a way that supports you in the moment (ex: the light, the cardinal that flew by the window just for me!)

Be open to synchronistic clues that reveal themselves and mirror your own desires

#4: The “WOW” Method

Another awesome morning activity, sneaking in before the brain is fully working…

Get into an emotion of shock, excitement, curiosity, or gratitude

“Whoa! You’re not going to believe what just happened, I just had______!”

“I wonder what wild things are going to happen today…”

Our imaginations will fill in the blanks.

When writing, be sure your head, heart, and emotions are in alignment.

#5: The “IN” Rule

When you’re creating your vision, make sure that you’re IN it, not just observing it.

Rather than watching it like you’re in the theater, you want to be the actor who is experiencing everything.

#6: The Sensory Advantage

Once you’re IN it, start to engage the rest of your senses

What are you feeling? Hearing? Smelling?

We’re good at seeing the vision, but bringing in our other senses fills in the details and makes the scene feel real.

The moment the scene feels real, is the moment you’re locking it into the quantum field and your order is placed.

Stretch the vision with coaching skills and anchor it in with senses

#7: The Golden Ratio Equation

Envision the day after the manifestation

When the ordinary feels extraordinary and the extraordinary feels ordinary, that’s when you know you manifested it!

When the vision materializes it feels ordinary, normal, spontaneous and surprising – that’s manifestation!

If it feels like, “I can’t believe that happened!” – It came from another place (not manifestation)l

Remember the dark side of desire is believing that this thing will bring me the experience and I can’t have it until or unless I have this thing – This is NOT true!

#8: The Multiplier Effect (Advanced Hack)

In your vision for yourself, you’re also simultaneously visioning for others – Group Intention

Example: Filling up your coaching practice AND envisioning your clients’ experiences and ideal outcomes for them

Bring in the energy of giving and piggyback in on your desire

Intention is key! Use this hack because it feels so good to give, not in order to get something back. 

#9: The Mini Visioning Process (Advanced Hack)

Remember that visioning is not just for the big things, it works for the little things too.

Example: There’s a meeting today. What is my desired outcome of this meeting?

Bringing in the Golden Ratio Equation to reflect on how it went after the meeting: I felt so confident, the ideas were flowing and we worked so well as a team

Paint the picture and tell the story. The vision process is the same whether it’s big or small. There is no hierarchy when it comes to GUS and the quantum field. All possibilities exist.

#10: The Timeline Jumping Mechanism (Advanced Hack)

Take a desire and insert yourself or client into it at different points

Find an entry point to the desire that feels believable (this will vary)

Create vision and story with sensory experiences, feelings, and coaching skills to expand


  • Jump to the end of that awesome program you just finished, how are you feeling?
  • Imagine you’re at a conference at a hotel, and you walk down to the lobby. You catch a glimpse of that client…you run over and what is the first thing they say to you? And what do you say?
  • Jump again to this person’s very first day in your program, what are they saying? What are they feeling? What about you?

Go all the way into the vision and then step back and then step forward…write the entire story back to this present moment and you will know exactly what’s next. Take the action that’s fully aligned to your heart’s desire.

This energy is pulling you forward, instead of you pushing it forward.

Also play with jumping forward, which unlocks even more desires.

#11: Anti-Affirmation Hack (aka Syzygy) (Advanced Hack)

Use this tactic when your mind is playing that ping-pong game of trying to believe the vision and also feeling like it is BS

The higher self is trying to convince the lower self to get on board with an affirmation, but the alignment is off, there’s wasted energy and it’s keeping you distracted with this decoy.

The mind keeps us safe, comfortable and in Consciousness Maintenance…and this is normal and default.

Your suffering isn’t because you’re having a negative experience…it’s because you’re judging it as a negative experience. This creates internal pain and incongruence.

Accept that what that voice is saying is true…and so is that other voice.


Client: I’m so unmotivated today

Coach: So you’re unmotivated, what are you making that mean?

Instead of trying to fight it or coach around being unmotivated, try fully accepting that today you’re just unmotivated. So what? Now what?

Feeling and accepting what we view as “negative,” releases the judgment around it.

Can you love and accept yourself when the ugliest versions of you come through? This is true unconditional love. Loving yourself in the good AND in the bad are the highest levels of consciousness.

It’s only when we’re in radical acceptance of the opposites, that the greatest potential for all possibilities exists. When we’re only in acceptance of half of it, we only have access to half of the possibilities.

Example: In an empty house is where the greatest possibilities exist. The more “stuff” (aka judgments) you move in, the more you cut off all other possibilities.

It’s in the nothingness that there is everything.

There is no conscious choice in ANYTHING, unless you have fully entertained and radically accepted the opposite of your desire.

If you want to go further…go into the darkness

Truth Bombs:

  • Every one of these hacks are to create head / heart coherence. Get into the FULL emotion of the vision, lock it in, and place your order to Source
  • Every story you tell yourself supports the reality you want to be creating
  • Conflict comes from a belief that something outside of you needs to be different in order to have a certain experience. When we realize and recognize we can create every experience first in our imaginations and hearts, and secondly, in our actual real reality, there’s no need for us to create harm for other people. It doesn’t need to exist. Imagine our world if everyone knew this! Your mastery of this is your contribution to the whole. When you’re at this point, you’re aligned with the energy that absolves and eradicates catabolic energy for the rest of the world!



Evolving Further

Be sure to stay in touch in all the places I am releasing teachings, channeled messages, and all the good things related to spirituality, consciousness, energy, and building an aligned high impact business here:

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